Friday 24 June 2016

Silver Tower Week day V: Grot Scuttlings

This is the fifth day of the Silver Tower Week, and today I want to show you my version of the Scuttlings. GW's Scuttling models are by far the worst in the box. I've tried several conversions using the original bits from the box, but they just looked weird. I decided to create my own version of the Scuttlings. I really liked the look of the Skaven Deathruner I had converted earlier, and wanted my Scuttlings to have the same look. They ended up as Human Scuttlings instead of Grots, which fits my painting style better than green skinned fantasy creatures. 

I used Skaven bodies, empire heads, and Uruk-Hai crossbows from GWs Lotr range. One of them also received a pair of Daemonette claws, to give him a more mutated chaos look. I only made four models as a test, so I need to create another four to have the right amount for the game. 

I really enjoyed painting the metals on these guys. I drybrushed and stippled gold followed by silver on top of a dark bronze to get a nice metallic base. Then I washed the areas with sepia, orange, green shades and watered down dark greenish blue. This ended in some very interesting colour variations on some of the larger metal plates. 


  1. They're absolutely great ! I'm especially impressed by your metallics, would you mind sharing your recipe ?

  2. Cheers!
    I drybrushed and stippled gold followed by silver on top of a dark bronze to get a nice metallic base. Then I washed the areas with sepia. To give some areas more contrast, I gave it an orange wash (easily seen on the blade on the last picture). I washed a watered down dark greenish blue into the recesses to represent corrosion.

  3. I totally agree with you, the Scuttlings are the only minis that left me scratching my head. You have given them a much more henchmen feel, and I love it.

  4. The spider-grots are by far the worst models in the box. Your replacements are a huge improvement.

    1. Thanks! I'm a huge fan of your work, so that means a lot!

  5. Amazing stuff! I love your bases. What colors did you use?

    1. The red is done with Word Bearer red from Forge World. Green with Death World Forrest. Both shaded with GW swipe shade before highlight. The skin was fone like my skin tutorials.
