Monday 30 March 2015

Uruk Hai Warband for Battle Companies

It's been a little while since my last post. But I've done a lot of painting in the last couple of days, so I have a lot to show you. The first thing I want to share with you, is my Uruk Hai warband for a game of Lotr Battle Companies. This game will go on for a couple of months. I'll convert upgrades and wounds on my heroes as they appear in the game. I've never painted a Lord of the Rings miniature before, because I think the models are too small. I'm a bigger fan of the cartoon-like proportions you find on space marines. The plastic Uruk Hai Scouts lack a lot of details, and I don't like their faces. I decided to do some green-stuffing on the ones I liked the best. This made them look a bit more like Chaos Cultists than Lotr Uruk Hai. But I'm still happy with how they turned out. Here are my warband in all its glory:

 Lastly a WIP picture of the warband pre-painting.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Tutorial: Heresy Era World Eater

I thought it was about time that I made a tutorial for this blog. The obvious choice was to make one that shows how I paint my World Eaters. This is a colour scheme that works on all kinds of white armour. I use the same method on Death Guard and 40k buildings. The techniques I use too make the models look weathered and battle damaged are techniques that also can be used on any other coloured. I hope you find this tutorial useful, and that you enjoy reading it. 

I. The model was built and based. 

II. I used GW's Skull White spray to prime this model.

III. The model was based in Mechanicus Standard Grey.

IV. The model was ones again hit with a Skull White spray. This time it was done in a 45 degree angle, to only hit the raised areas and give the model a quick natural highlight. 

V. The model was lightly sponged with White Scar. This stage doesn't look like much at this stage, but it helps highlight the model further, and gives a 3D effect to the battle damage that will be added later on. 

When using other colours than white, it's important to sponge the model with a slightly lighter colour than the one you're weathering. 

VI. Kantor Blue was added. As you can see in earlier posts about my World Eaters, I vary which details I choose to paint in this colour. 

VII. Using a sponge, Alaitoc Blue was stippled onto the blue areas. This has the same purpose as the white sponging, it gives a highlight and a base to the weathering in the next stage.

VIII. Using a sponge, the whole model was stippled with Abaddon Black. This is a quite effective way to give your models a battle-damaged look. On larger models, like tanks, I sponge a layer of Dryad Bark before the black. This gives the battle damage a rusty look. 

IX. All the armour plates on the model was washed in a 50/50 mix of Lahmian Medium and Nuln Oil. It's important to not have too much Nuln Oil in the blend.  This will make the model turn out grey and not the dirty white colour you want.

X. Leadbelcher was painted on the metal areas, and Abbadon Black on the black details.

XI. The cork on the base was painted in Mechanicus Standard Grey, and Astrogranite (a texture paint) was used to tie the cork to the rest of the base. 

XII. The black, metal and grey areas got a shade of Nuln Oil.

XIII. Metal was highlighted in Runefang Steel.

XIV. Warplock Bronze was painted on the Gold/bronze areas. The grey on the base was drybrushed Longbeard grey.

XV. Bronze shaded with Agrax Earthshade. 

XVI. Previous stage highlighted Auric Armour Gold.

XVII. The metal details on the base was roughly stippled with Typhus Corrosion.

I painted the rim around the base in Abaddon Black. (Usually this is the last thing I do)

XVIII. I drybrushed the metal on the base in Ryza Rust.

XIX. These four next pictures, shows how I paint Space Marine lenses. I didn't really think this through when building the model, so i chose a bad-ass FW World Eater Helmet without eye lenses. So I'm going to show you how I do it on the severed head on the models base. 

The lens was painted Evil Suns Scarlet. A smaller area, moving towards the centre of the eye, was painted in Wild Rider Red. A smaller area was painted Flash Gitz Yellow, Again towards the centre. Lastly the same was done with White Scar, Showing a bit of the other colours towards the edges of the eye lens. 

XX. Blood for the Blood God and a drop of Abaddon black was mixed roughly on a palette . Using a sponge, a random blood pattern was dabbed onto the axes and a bit on the model itself. When doing this, it's very tempting to cover your whole model in this blood and gore mix. Don't do it. Too much blood just looks tacky, and ruins all the work put into the model until this stage. Build the layers up carefully until you're satisfied with the amount of blood. 

And now the World Eater is finished!

Lastly I want to show you a sneak peek of my next project. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

World Eater Berzerker Squad

Last week I finished a squad of World Eaters for a 40k tournament. I'm really happy with how they turned out. These models are probably the best World Eaters I've done so far. I especially like the jumping guy without a helmet, and the ones with plasma pistols. The plasma effect turned out nice, and a lot different from how i usually paint it. I used the same colour on the plasma pistols as I use on my World Eater's helmet lenses.