Tuesday 21 June 2016

Silver Tower Week day II: Blue Horrors

This is day two of the Silver Tower Week, and I'm continuing with Horrors. This time the blue ones.

I'm a much bigger fan of the old out of production metal Pink Horrors than the newer plastic ones. luckily the new Pink Horrors from Silver Tower are a lot bigger than the older ones, so I can use the old metal ones as Blue Horrors!

I only had three metal Horrors lying around, so I had to use one from the box. This ended in a quite strange conversion. I gave it a tree on it's head to match the pink one using Sylvaneth Dryad bits. I also gave it an extra leg and removed an arm, to make it more interesting. I really like the old metal Horrors, so I didn't convert them much. I only gave one some additional tentacles using green stuff, and gave another one a ghoul arm to replace one I had lost. 


  1. I like how your horrors looks pink and blue painted but not quite.

    1. Thanks! I've painted them like I normally do skin colours, but I have mixed blu into the mix when shading and glazing the model.

  2. I forgot how creepy the original horrors were, but I think your 'natural' colors make them even more so. The skin tones make them seem more believable, or perhaps relatable? The conversions came off really well too.

  3. Great paint job - they really evoke the Lovecraftian 'pale, noisome, flopping things' that the old Juan Diaz sculpts evoked. Could you post a painting tutorial perhaps?

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like them.
      A painting tutorial is a good idea.
      I have a lot to do at the moment, but I might manage to make a tutorial with new pictures sometime during the summer. I've ordered another five metal Horrors from ebay, and they're a lot of fun to paint.

  4. Great work, love your use of a muted pallette. Am going to try something similar I think for the old warhammer quest game.
