Monday 20 June 2016

Silver Tower Week day I: Pink Horrors

In the last couple of weeks, I've been converting and painting the models from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. I really wanted to play the game, so I decided to paint up the units as quickly as possible. But I've never really enjoyed painting anything straight out of the box, so most of the models have been converted to some degree. 

Instead of posting all the models in one big photo-dump, I want all the units to have individual posts. The best way to do this, is to post one unit each day. It will take about a week to show you everything I've done so far. So here's the first post of Silver Tower Week!

To start of the Silver Tower Week, I want to show you my version of the pair of Pink Horrors. The Pink Horrors in the box are identical, flat and a bit too comical for my taste. To give them more variety, and make them more nightmareish, I gave them both new heads/faces. 

I gave the first one a metal mask, from a green stuff cast of a small angle statue. You have probably seen the exact same face several times in the past couple of weeks in a lot of my projects. I'll stop over using it soon. Or not. We'll see. I thought it would look cool with some antlers on this one, which resulted in a tree growing out of the Horrors head. I used Sylvaneth Dryad tree-branches to achieve this. 

The other Horror is one of the creepiest models I've made from the Silver Tower kit. I gave it a hand from FWs Gal Vorback possessed marines that looks like a fleshy beak with teeth, which felt fitting for the Tzeentch-theme. 


  1. where did you get the original baby angel model from?looks lovely and a great idea to recast

    1. The original angles are small plastic statues, to be used as decorations in gardens, graveyards and stuff. I got it in a Norwegion store called Nille. It's one of those stores that are everywhere, and don't really sell anything you need.

  2. I love how different they look next to each other. The second one (with the hideous mouth) is a fantastic, inspirational model and has actually changed my perception of tzeentch. I'll be pushing to copy this when I do my own daemons!

    1. Cheers! I really like how the claw-hand looks like a mutated daemon beak.

  3. I think you highlight a good point here, the Tzeentch Horrors are pretty bland and omic for something called a "Horror"! Your conversions certainly make them live up to the name.

  4. They look fantastic! I'll be watching Silver Tower Week unfold with interest.

    1. Cheers! I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the models as well!

  5. Unbelievable conversions complemented beautifully by your painting style and palette choice. Wish I had seen this before painting my own.

  6. Your Silver Tower Pink Horror with Gal Vorback hand face is hands down my favourite daemon conversion of all time. Love it.

    1. Cheers! I have another Gal-Vorback claw I would like to try out as a head, so there will probably be another one soon.

  7. These are beautiful. I had a look at how you did your pale skin in the tutorial but this looks pinker, how did you achieve that? And I assume it's the same flesh colour as your tzaangors.

    1. Thanks! I used a mix of red and Dwarf flesh AS shadows and a lot of bloodletter red glaze.
