Monday 15 February 2016


I've had this plaguebearer laying untouched on my desk for several months. The only thing left to do, was some touch-ups on the skin and a base, which I finally got around to do. I wasn't too happy with the skin at first. But after applying sepia and purple glazes on different parts of the body, it started looking more alive (or dead). I have several other half finished models laying around, and hope I get around to finish more of them in between larger projects. It feels good to finish a model that has been annoyingly taking up space on my desk for a long time. 


  1. Fantastic looking model! I love the devil horns on the model and the Catachan straight steel blade he is carrying. The sickly, fleshy tones you used to paint the model really make the model stand out from your standard Nurgle plaguebearer.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks! The skin looked a lot better after applying the glazes.

  2. Wonderful. The purple notes to the decaying skin looks very realistic. Like Adam I really dig the horns and the rusted blade - the weedy twig-swords are the only thing that I dislike about the otherwise stellar plaguebearer kit.

    1. Cheers! I agree, the new plague-blades looks quite bad compared to the rest of the model. I usually change them with the first weapons I can find in my bits-box and paint it in rusty colours.
