Monday 23 May 2016

WIP: Tzaangors from the Silver Tower

Tzeentch has always been my least favourite chaos god, and I've never really liked Warhammer fantasy. I've always been a fan of the 40k universe, and haven't bought fantasy models for other purposes than to convert them into 40k. But when I saw the leaked pictures of Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, I changed my mind. Fantasy and Tzeentch can be cool, as long as the models don't look too cartoony. The box is not in any way perfect. It contains some really stupid looking goblin mutants, and the horrors still don't look as horrifying as the old metal ones. But the Tzaangors are amazing. You get six in the box, with three different poses. But it wasn't too hard to convert them, and swap some bits to give them enough variation. 


  1. My mate and I were so excited by these miniatures we stayed up until 1 in the morning getting them painted. Then we got silly and tries to paint the lot in 24 hours, we fell 8 miniatures short by the deadline.

    Love your conversions.

    You wait until you start painting the Acolytes!

    1. Damn! Thats a lot of models!
      I'm looking forward to paint them as well. They have some really cool masks.

  2. Those are fantastic! Beautiful work, man!

  3. they look fantastic! I like the more human look to the skin rather than the garish blue. It makes the look creepier in a way

    1. Thank you! I agree, it looks a lot less cartoony using "skin colours" as a base to achieve the models skin tone.
