Saturday 7 May 2016

Tutorial: Painting Genestealer Cult Bases

I've been asked how I did the bases for my Genestealer Cult models. And since I have a couple of pictures from the building and painting of the bases, I decided to make a quick tutorial:

I. The bases was made by gluing random parts from electronic devises to it. Then I covered most of it with cork, but I made sure you could still see some of the weird bits that look like boxes, cables and canisters underneath. I had a sheet of tile-textured plastic card laying in a pile of basing materials, so I decided to try it out. To make everything blend together, I added a mix of sand, static grass and wood glue. 

II. After a priming of black followed by white, to get a quick pre-highlighting, I gave the base a thin layer of GW Deathworld Forest. I think this step could be done with any cammo-green colour, the base will be a lot darker when it's done.

III. The base was shaded with spots of watered down GW Typhus Corrosion in the recesses. I used pure corrosion on the metal parts and tiles.

IV. The tiles was picked out with GW Rakarth Flesh. The skull and skeleton was drybrushed in the same colour. 

V. The tiles was painted with a thin layer of GW Pallid Wych Flesh. I did this layer in a stippling motion to give the tiles a natural colour variation to give the impression of marble. 

VI. Rust areas was given more layers of Typhus Corrosion. 

VII. The whole base was now washed with GW cammo-green and sepia shades. I applied these washes at the same time, making them blend naturally on the base, creating interesting variations. 

VIII. Before the green and sepia was dry I randomly added some watered down GW orange shade.  

IX. Lastly the white(ish) areas was highlighted with Pallid Wych Flesh. 


  1. Great tutorial Wilhelm. It's amazing how simple you make the steps seem but the end result looks fantastic.

    1. Cheers!
      Everything looks better better after several layers of washes!

  2. WOW!!! Thank you, sir! This is wonderfully illuminating.
