Saturday 19 March 2016

WIP: 3rd and 4th generation Genestealer Hybrids.

The models of the 3rd and 4th generation hybrids of the Genestealer Cult look fantastic. But I always look for ways to convert my miniatures, no matter how great they look. The only thing that bothers me about these models are the ridiculously oversized autoguns they carry. Therefore I did a couple of weapon swaps, to make them more realistic. 

I just primed the models, and promise that the next Genestealer Cult post will have some painted models in it!


  1. I like those a lot, can't wait to I get my box :)

    I actually got hold of some 1st and 2nd edition stealers and even a hybrid. I'll be merging everything together but I'm tweaking my theme a bit. The spoor thing my Deathwatch are warding themselves from will be further explored.

    1. Cheers! Sounds interesting, especially the spores. I'm quite envious that you have a 1st or 2nd edition hybrid!

  2. These figs are magic! I love the natural poses they all seem to have, also the detail on the faces are very good.
    It's no good... I can't resist..

    1. Thanks! If you think so, I recommend getting a box! It contains a ton of great stuff.
