Monday 25 January 2016

WIP: Nurgle Prophet & Retinue

In the last couple of days, I've been working on some conversions for my Mutant/Nurgle warband. Some of them still have a lot of work left, and they all need to be cleaned up and green-stuffed. But I think they're all starting to look interesting. They are still WIP, so if there are any changes you think I should do, please let me know.

The Prophet and his retinue. All the models are based on Plaguebearers, with additional bits from several kits. I'm most pleased with the Tyranid Hormagaunt legs, given to the models on the sides. 

I'm going to use this pair of models for the first month of Ready your Retinue 2016, on the Inq28 Ammobunker forum. So I'll try to get them painted up during the weekend. The finished models will share a base, and stand a bit closer together. 

So far this model has only gone through a simple head-swap. I'm kind of getting a Khorne feel from this one, so I might fill all the wounds and rust holes on the armour, and paint him up like a Khorne mutant. Whatever I decide to do with him, he's getting a lot of cables from a box on his back to his helmet, to make him more 40k looking.

This running mutant has Gaunt legs, Hormagaut arm and a  severed head from the Maggoth Lord kit.

Lastly I have a model I made sometime last year, but it fits the theme, so its going to be a part of the warband. The Spawn has a Tyranid Spore Mine as a head. 


  1. Beautiful! Well, all the beautiful Nurgle can be.

  2. Looking great! Looking forward to seeing the duo on the single base complete.
    I think the helmet on the big guy will still suit a nurgle scheme, with weathering etc. It just adds a more brutish demeanor to the figure.

    1. Cheers.
      Yes, I think you're right. I'll probably keep the Nurgle theme on the big guy.

  3. Just found your blog, really digging the vibe of this group already. Love the spore mine beast

    1. Thanks! The spore mine spawn is one of my favourites. I'm looking forward to paint ti.
