Thursday 28 January 2016

The 100th Post

Whoooowhoo! This is my 100th post. Which means I have over one post in an average week. I'm quite happy with the fact that I've managed to keep a steady flow of new projects, and that I've managed to complete most of them. More and more people have discovered my blog just in the last couple of months, which have been a great inspiration to come up with new stuff too share. Thanks to all my readers and followers. I hope you'll keep checking out my miniature art in the future. 

There's no celebration without some Slaaneshi fun. Therefor I'm going to show you my two newest members of my Slaanesh Warband; The Daemonette's brutish slaves/bodyguards. These are models I converted a couple of months ago, but I never shared the conversions. I started to paint them, but didn't manage to get the right skin-tone. After completing the Daemonette, I decided to re-paint them in a similar colour-sheme as her. And this time I think the skin turned out much better. 

The Brutes are based on Bloodletters of Khorne, with Goblin heads from the GW's Hobbit range. When I made them, I made seven. So you I have five more, almost ready for paint. 


  1. Congrats. I've only found your blog recently, which have been very enjoyable to follow. Excellent work and hope another few hundred posts to follow.

    1. Cheers, glad you fount the blog, and that you find my models interesting.

  2. Happy centennial!

    The brutes are excellent. The goblin set seems to be a treasure trove of useful bits... Can't wait to see the rest of them.

    1. Thank you!
      The Goblins are brilliant. Not just the heads, but their arms and bodies are great bits for mutants as well. I never liked the models the way they are, because they're flat one-pice miniatures. But if you cut them up, and combine them with other bits they work excellent.
      I think you would find several great uses for them when creating Nurgle models.

  3. Congratulations! That is a huge amount of posts, particularly at the rate you put them out!

    The quality of your work is such that you will only continue to get more followers and inspire them all. As said above, here is to 100 more!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats, and amazing work!

  6. Congratulations on reaching 100 post. Only discovered your blog recently but it is amongst the best out there and your productivity is astonishing. Looking forward to the next 100 posts

  7. These conversions are brilliant - they really capture the look of the odd creatures in the background of the best 40K artwork. The limited palette works very well too.

    1. Thank you! I'm quite happy with the way they turned out. I'm currently making an Armies on Parade board where these guys will be part of the Daemon army. I'm planning to create a couple more brutes, like these ones.
