Friday 15 January 2016

Armies on Parade 2015 part I: Space Marines

In october last year the Norwegian Armies on Parade painting competition was held in Oslo. My models has ben on display in the GW store until now. I've started to bring them back, a few models at the time. And nowI think it's about time to get some proper photos of the models and post them here. If you are interested in some crappy pictures of my entire display-board, check out my previous post from AoP 2015

There are a lot of models in the army, about 50. So I have decided to split the display into seven (ish) posts, one for each squad/warband/large model in the army. 

First up are the Space Marines (or Sigmarines as I have referred to them before). The Space Marines are based on the Stormcast Eternals from the AoS starter box. They have Space Marine arms, bolters and backpacks, Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Vanguard helmets, and watch parts as small details.

Thanks for looking! The next part will be up soon. 


  1. Very cool. Great use of the sigmarite bodies and a lovely deep red paintscheme as well - the checkers are a nice old school detail.

    1. Thanks! The checkers and flames are painted in the same colours as the robes of other units, which makes them fit in with the rest of the army nicely.

  2. Wow, that squad is looking absolutely fantastic! Such clever conversions, too. Brilliant work!

    1. Thank you! I hope you will like the rest of the army as well.

  3. found this blog via convertorum. this is a unique take on space marines that feel very fresh and original! from the convertion work to the painting. Fantastic!

    1. I'm glad you found my blog, and that you like my miniatures!

  4. Realy cool guys. I made some, too. Some time ago. But this guys with special helmets and stuff look awesome, too.

    1. Thank you! I think these helmets fit better on the Sigmarites than the regular Space marine ones. These ones are slender enough to fit where the original Stormcast head is supposed to be, while the SM are too wide.

  5. Hi Wilhelm,

    I find these marines extremely characterful!
    The mix of bits is very interesting, and your painting style ties them together nicely.
    I was obviously expecting to see loads of stormcast-based marine conversions after the release of the Age of Sigmar boxset, but I have to admit yours are the most successful I have seen.

    Brilliant work!


    1. Thanks a lot. I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out, so I'm glad you like them.

  6. Hi, now i painted my Stormcast Marines, that i built in August 2015:

    1. The Marines look great! I like the terrain ideas you have as well!

  7. Really cool looking, do they belong to a chapter or are they just space marines?

    1. Cheers!
      They don't belong to any of the GW chapters. They are personal bodyguards to my tech priest.
