Wednesday 30 November 2016

Outgard: The King's Champion

My Knight riding a mechanical steed is complete! This turned out to be one of my favourite models in the warband. I was a bit sceptical at first, because the model has some really fancy technology compared to the others. But mounting a Medieval Knight on the robot horse suggests that the people don't understand the technology, even though they have it. Which I think is an important aspect of 40k, and especially the Outgard setting.

The steed is based on Forge World's Mechanicum Vorax Battle-Automata (the robot bugs with miniguns), with a horse head from Tomb Kings. The rider is an old Bretonnia Knight with a Space Marine chest armour, and Gorka Morka mutant legs.


  1. Its really cool, but just opinion, I would maybe make the blue a bit more vibrant, it looks a bit too much like construction paper.

  2. Nicely done sir! I have been trying to figure out where that steed came from for a while. Funny how much that horse skull and paint job threw me for a loop. Well done!

  3. This is so clever Wilhelm! One of my favourites of this bunch too.

    Great to also get a sense of your considerations on narrative (ie. the naive use of technology on Outgard). The paint scheme is ace.

  4. Thanks for commenting guys! I'm glad you all like it. It's definitely one of the best models I've done in a while.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've just been reading through your blog,the idea of using technology that they don't understand, and thus combining the 2 world's, is inspired! I hope you don't mind me stealing this idea to aid my own concept for my Planet Null project. . .
