I’ve just
gone through all the amazing pictures you sent me, and made a complete gallery.
Thanks a lot to everyone who participated in the competition!
In the
competition I said that you could write a short text about the project. Some of
you did this, and the text is placed together with the photographs.
I’ve also
added links to the participants Blogs and Instagram accounts so you can check
out more of their work. If any links are missing, please tell me in the
comments, and I’ll edit them into this post
entries are placed in a random order. I will reveal the winner on Sunday, after
I’ve consulted with my seven Great Unclean Judges of Nurgle.
Simon Elsen
Here you
have Simon's grotesque looking Forge World GUO. He has used a lot of cool
techniques on this miniature, including giving it hairs from his beard!
Filip Peterson -
- The
Hand of Nurgle -
carol, song of rebirth! Rejoice and be blissful in our humble hearth!" -
Excerpt from the Bellowing song of The Hand of Nurgle
As soon
as I got the kit I scoured it for ways to convert it. The little face on
Rotigus' outstretched arm struck my idea lobe and I converted the entire arm
into a head, giving the impression of some sort of tumorous teratoma emerging
from his skull (probably his magic casting hand?). Painting him was a blast,
playing around with the different textures and hues proved to be some of the
most fun I've had painting in a while. Being so corpulent and nurgley - it's a
very forgiving miniature to both paint and build. If you get a chance to do the
new Great Unclean One, I thoroughly recommend it.
Martin Fike II
calls his GUO: Aqsh’lrryth the befouled, patron of the tribe of the flea.
Joakim Moberg
To me
this was more of an exercise in experimentation and technique. Lots of happy
accidents and massive failures, just letting it evolve as i went along.
Not being
a big fan of the crisp and clean style of GW I tried conveying my personal
vision of what Nurgle represents, Life in death and decay. Build wise I took a
lot of inspiration from the original Wayne England piece, seeing as the horny
portrusions in the back looked a bit like a forest, hence the tree.
putting it all together, to justify there being a tree stuck on there I
envisioned it to be a parasitic growth, growing in mockery and imitation of
life itself, and tying it together with the muted paintjob and painting the
tentacles as tendrils of this same growth, saturating the daemon.
chains and skulls i put in as more of a coolfactor and to break up the organic
shape of the tree itself.

Lukas Adolfsson -
When I
started this drawing I did a little testing with the shading and the tentacles.
I have always felt that Grandfather Nurgle has a few Cthulhu vibes and I liked
tentacles on it. The hardest part to do was the two nurglings in his stomach.
The wound was a bit tricky to make but in the end it turned out Nice. The
nurglings also add the little sense of humor that is in Nurgles stuff. So Here
it is, my Nurgle Gardeneer. All Hail Father Nurgle!
Instagram is lukasadolfsson03 if anyone would be interested in
blanchitsu/conversion posts.

Danny Morison - @dark_mechanic
Great Unclean One -
mind the sting in the air and open those eyes of yours, boy! Behold, mighty
Tritus, favoured Nurgle-Son!
See how
He stirs this retched scum, of which we call our home? See how He alone is the
tide and current, our wind and air? See how he breaks up the detritus 'bergs?
How He mashes those great islands of fat and rot? No hope aloud, boy, not in
His domain, no land beneath your feet, nor respite from the pitch-sickness
permitted here, me cheeky lud!
Hark boy,
hark at our wretched kingdoms and domains, mighty galleys of flotsam and
jetsam, half-sunken empires with empty sails, watch how they squabble and eat
each other, toys in a storm, trying to catch the eyes of our Lord!
For what
a prize that'll be, eh boy? To become fat and swollen with war and death, to be
lifted like a crown, exalted, and placed on god-head! To have your domain
crumble around you, to begin the fight anew, crows nest and rotting rope
castles your new prize, ha! I'd grow hard even with the contemplation of such a
thing, if those parts hadn't been claimed by this greasy slick of an ocean all
those years ago!
Come now,
boy, ready your hook and spear, see how our brothers flounder and sink? Time to
stick the knife in, play the carrion-role.
I don't
know where you came from before you fell from the sky, boy, and I care not, but
I'd hide the shiny eagle, cast it away even! This is your life now, and for
Tritus sake, don't fall into the muck!'

Alex Haworth - @nergling
Here you
have Alex' custom made GUO!

Toby Frost
receiving a distress message, Inquisitor Lao traveled to the garden world of
Bacculum to investigate a sect known as the Horticultists. Lao was met with
hostility from the cultists and, finding the sect to be heretical, sought
assistance from the Adepta Sororitas in putting it down.
Horticultists attacked savagely, invoking a mysterious patron they called
Cankerus in their warcries. The Battle Sisters fought their way through
increasingly rank and diseased foliage. At the centre of the forest, in a
clearing full of fecund, bloated fruit, they discovered the truth: the
Horticultists had been systematically poisoning the soil with unclean alchemy,
causing a Great Unclean One to manifest itself through the very trees. After a
fierce fight, the Sisters cleansed the polluted glade with fire.
cultists confessed that the alchemical material had been supplied by Chaos
Marine forces. Bacculum remains under assessment regarding Exterminatus.
model was inspired by the Garden of Nurgle concept in recent GW releases, as
well as John Blanche's "Voodoo Forest". It was made from a feculent
gnarlmaw turned around, with arms from a forgefiend. Other parts came from the
Maggoth and chaos spawn.

Ana Polanšćak - @a_polansack
Here you
have Ana’s sculpted Great Unclean One!
Dai Dead
Dai’s GUO
is a limited sculpt by a Danish artist named Jon Micheelsen. It was made 5-6
years ago, and only cast around 20 miniatures.
Chris John - @mounty_chris
GUO is mostly made from spare parts from the new GW miniature.
Edo Kalkman
focused on the atmosphere when painting his GUO. He painted the miniature for a
friend, so the only shot of the back he could find was a WIP one.

Karsten Becker
inspiration for the miniature came years ago when I played the games Darksiders
I & II, to be precise from the Boss " The Jailer" and his
disgusting demon made from the pestulant corpses of others, he keeps those whom
he defeats in his cages for all eternity"
I really
liked the idea that the jailers body is made of corpses, his "blind"
face and his malformed lump for a shoulder.
My Great
Unclean One is a representation of Nurgles aspect of death.
It is a
"judge" that is collecting the dead and dying of the battlefield who
were infected with nurgles diseases.
It uses
his bell to attract his victims.
unworthy will be eternally imprisoned in his belly.
The ones
that accept nurgles blessings will be reborn as daemons from his body.
I have
already a new idea for another Great Unclean One, which is inspired by Azmodan
from Diablo III
but only
time wiil tell tell when I will do this.
The time
limit really helped me to finish this miniature.

Luke Stine
Based on
an alternative story to Steven King's IT, where Bill isn't sick and is eaten by
Pennywise the clown. Now Georgie is terrorised by the clown creature, and must
figure out how to stop it before he floats too.
Jens Gimore - @old_snail
My guo
represents the Great Yellow Worm of Nurgle. Chief daemon of my Yellowflies
Plaguemarine battalion and the center of its chaos cult. I imagine he has been
sent by Nurgle to capture the planet Ephesus, (a homebrew world of me and my
brother's) and remake it's forges into a helworld. At his disposal are the
plaguemarines of the Yellowflies battalion, and all his warpspawned minions and

Jonathan - @meanderingshade
project was announced at an opportune time, I'd just opened up my kit and was
pondering what to do with it.
It's a
beautiful miniature, full of character and I could see a lot of Wayne England's
Great Unclean One art piece in the details on the sword and flail particularly,
that's where my first bit of inspiration came.
I knew I
wanted to convert my Greater Daemon to be reminiscent of that pose, but there
were so many wonderful pieces in that kit that the conversion just kind of took
on a life of it's own. I started adding more and more and as I did so I started
to develop the narrative too, which in turn fed the conversion further and I
chopped off and rearranged pieces I'd attached earlier.
The basic
narrative that coalesced in my mind became:
“Once two
Great Unclean Ones had a wager, the prize of which would be to subsume the
other and take their power. The winner didn't completely subsume the other,
leaving him fully aware, they jovially converse all the time and neither is
unhappy with the situation.”
After the
pieces were in place I just had a lot of fun blending it all together with
sculpted detail and applying a lot of texture everywhere. I already knew the
colours I wanted to use, I had a few Plaguebearers I painted a while back that
were inspired by another piece of Great Unclean One art by Clint Langley. Then
there was the rust-orange Blanchitsu style wasteland for the base. A lot of
arty inspiration went into this one it seems!
project has been a lot of fun and I'll be developing that background further,
writing up a narrative piece while I work on the rest of my Nurgle Daemons.

Christof Keil - @k03rnl
With the
arrival of the New Death Guard models last year and their arrival at my
hobbyesk it was clear that some deamons of Nurgle would have to join the force,soon.
When this
kit hit the shelves it was obvious I would need one for my collection and that
I would convert him slightly to fit the 40k setting alongside my Death Guard.
That was
about the time I stumbled over the anouncement of the #guocompetition.
opportunity to tackle the Great Unclean One.
So I
added some armour (Plague Drone spare fronts and Blightking shield) and some
shenanigans like the Plaguebearer standard, odd tubes and nearly every spare
tentacle the kit had left over (normaly reserve to build the other version of
the kit)...
Then I
hit the bitbox for all gribbly Nurglings I could find and added them to the
bulk of him and his base... there are some still in the pipe, perhaps they wil
be added in the future,... theres still some spce on the base.
painting the bulk of him I went with my usual approach, priming him in
different colours, then drybrushing and
mostly thinned paints and washes to colour him up.... I went for a bit more
layers than I would have usually, for more depth and contrast along with some
wetblending (big areas on the model are perfect for training this technique I
haven't used often).
were added to the base only, instead of on the whole model because he was just
how I wanted him to be! Dark and disgusting! Hope you "enjoy" the
Thanks to
Helge Wilhelm Dahl for hosting this competition and good luck to everybody
joining in!

Giuseppe Del Buono -
Here you
have Giuseppe’s “Fake Unclean One”!
Van Bullard
Here you
have Van’s sculpted GUO. It’s his first sculpt!
Tom Haslup
re-based a really really old GUO for this competition.
Tommy Hovind Kristiansen -
Rebecca Vilde Martine Khron Karlsson -
made a female GUO. She used the face of the Statue of Liberty as a mask, and
cables for hair.