Monday 29 February 2016

Slaaneshi Brute

I finished painting another Slaaneshi Brute for my Daemon/mutant warband. This one was done in the same way as the others (that you can check out here). I gave this newest member a sword and a blood pack from the Wracks kit, which makes it the most crazy looking one so far. 
Like the other ones the mutant is based on a bloodletter, with a face and left arms from a goblin from the GW Hobbit range. 


  1. The more I see people using the Hobbit range of goblins, the more I think I should be buying some myself. This looks awesome.

    1. You should definitely get a box! They are perfect for conversions.

  2. This is great, I love the neck blood canister and double arms! The spines on his back are gross.

  3. Amazing!

    I get a strong Cronenbergian bodyhorror vibe from this guy which really suits the slaaneshi theme. Bravo!

    1. Thank you! I think this one is the most Slaaneshi looking so far.
