I finished my entry for Ready your Retinue January 2016. The model is based on a Plaguebearer with Tyranid Hormagaunt legs and the twin heads from the Dark Eldar Wracks kit. His mutated human pet, is based on a Ghoul with a slave mask from the Empire Flagellants. I used different glazes to give them two different skin tone. Warm purple and sepia colours on the Plaguebearer, and colder blue-purple colours on the pet mutant.
This duo will be a part of my Mutant/Daemon warband. When I made them, I thought they would be followers of Nurgle. But now that I'm finished with the painting, I think they look quite Slaaneshi as well. But since there are an infinite number of Daemons in the Warp, I think a lot of them overlap whichever God/force they are supposed to follow.
When photographing the models, me and my friend Rebecca took one with both our entries, and the picture turned out quite nice. I like the four different heights of the models (five counting the skeleton on the base). You can check out more pictures of her model here.