Sunday 18 February 2018

Nestorian Infestation: the Second Game

Last week I had a great INQ28 game with my friend Tommy! It's always nice to set up the terrain and have a quick game and a beer. 

We played the second game of our Nestorian Infestation campaign. It has been an ongoing project we have been working on for over two years. My Genestealer Cult warband has even been featured in Blanchitsu!

I really recommend checking out the battle-report on Tommy's blog: bigbossredskullz

Tommy's brilliant Ordo Xenos team

My prison themed Genestealer Cult


  1. Amazing terrain. Is it a fixed setup or do you somehow manage to transport it?

    1. I have transported the once. I don't have a transport case for them or anything, so we just wrapped them in blankets and put them in a car. The tiles are just 1x1 feet (1/4 of the standard GW tiles), so it worked quite well.

  2. Seems like it was a great game. Tommy's writeup was very entertaining. The terrain really sets the mood. The Ordo Xenos team have to drag themselves down into the mud, both literally and metaphorically, if they want to defeat the cult. I'm looking forward to being able to contribute some civilians to this little chronicle!

    1. Sounds exciting :)
      The games will steadily get bigger. At some point the forces of the inquisition will have to fight a whole horde of cultists, so we need all the miniatures we can get!

  3. Any tips on how to build a board like this? Huge fan of your work!

    1. Cheers!
      I posted some WIPs of the board a while ago:

      The best tip is to use different kinds of texture at the same time. Use a lot of glue, and mix in sand, earth, static grass and cracklepaint. The mix gives you some variations, which makes it look natural.

  4. Impressive setup! Makes for some beautiful photos. Great game to follow!
