Thursday 21 September 2017

Tor Megiddo, part VI

Another member of my Techno-Barbarian gang is complete! This guy is based on a FW Tech Thrall with a FW Khorne Berzerker faceplate. The arms and axe are from Khorne Bloodreavers, and the feathered crest is from an old Empire Knight. 

A lot of people have asked me how I painted the bases. I'll take some step by step pictures when I paint the next base and will make a quick tutorial soon. 


  1. Awesome work on this group - masterful painting! These really do dive into the depths of the 40K universe - so much character.

    1. Cheers!
      I'm really happy with these guys so far.

  2. I love the techno-barbarian with the feathers. Hands down my favourite model of this year...and there have been some fantastic models this year. But your chap just screams 40k at me so much. Thank you.

    1. Cheers! I think he's my favourite in the group as well.
