Tuesday 26 July 2016

Nestorian's Henchmen: Close Combat Servitor

Nestorian's personal bodyguard servitor is ready to join the Genestealer Cult!

This is one of my favourite models for the Nestorian Infestation project. 
I based the model on a Mechanicum torso, with two Empire Flagellants legs glued together to make the lower body. The head the Servo Skull from the Scion box. To make the model fit the Genestealer Cult theme, I also gave it the alien looking sword from the Genestealer Primus. The arms are from Dark Eldar Wracks. 


  1. That is thoroughly creepy - beautifully done!

  2. Lovely. The magos-esque spidery legs are an absolutely brilliant addition!

    1. Cheers! I used the tops of the spine-things on the backs of the Dark Eldar Wracks. I think the organic look on the metal legs made it even more alien.

  3. looks great. I like how you pulled the robe up into the crown to add extra bulk to the skull as well as mirroring the tech-priests legs/claws

  4. Ingenious! I particularly like the way that he echoes the tech-priest dominus as well as the genestealers. How do you do your bases, by the way?

    1. I basically paint them green an wash them with sepia and orange. I have a Tutorial for the base for another Genestealer Cult model that is quite similar: http://wilhelminiatures.blogspot.no/2016/05/tutorial-painting-genestealer-cult-bases.html

    2. Thanks, I'll have a look. The Gunslinger looks great too.
