Saturday 30 January 2016

Walking the mutant

I finished my entry for Ready your Retinue January 2016. The model is based on a Plaguebearer with Tyranid Hormagaunt legs and the twin heads from the Dark Eldar Wracks kit. His mutated human pet, is based on a Ghoul with a slave mask from the Empire Flagellants. I used different glazes to give them two different skin tone. Warm purple and sepia colours on the Plaguebearer, and colder blue-purple colours on the pet mutant. 

This duo will be a part of my Mutant/Daemon warband. When I made them, I thought they would be followers of Nurgle. But now that I'm finished with the painting, I think they look quite Slaaneshi as well. But since there are an infinite number of Daemons in the Warp, I think a lot of them overlap whichever God/force they are supposed to follow. 

When photographing the models, me and my friend Rebecca took one with both our entries, and the picture turned out quite nice. I like the four different heights of the models (five counting the skeleton on the base). You can check out more pictures of her model here.


  1. That's really great work!

    Way back in my Realm of Chaos days, I've put together many Chaos warbands that centered around a Chaos warrior, but I've never really tried to make a specifically mutant or daemon warband before - this makes me want to give it a shot. Looks like fun.

    1. Sounds cool!

      Combining different daemon and mutant parts, with parts form other naked models makes the best combinations. You should really try to make some conversions based on this.

  2. I love the way you can look at a multi part kit and see possibilities no no else does.

  3. Excellent work!

    Are you from Norway btw?

  4. Absolutely fantastic! Love the skin tones on both master and slave, both pale but different so they stand apart.

    That final image with yours and your friend's miniatures together looks like it's taken straight out of an illustration.

    I'm glad that human pet turned out so well, I've had those crypt ghoul bodies and flagellant heads in a box together since christmas for pretty much the same conversion. I was going to make 10 of them to count as Slaanesh Warhounds for the Path to Glory campaign my friend and I are starting.

    1. Thank you!

      Using crazy mutant humans as slaaneshi hound sounds like an interesting idea. You should defiantly complete that project!

  5. Awesome work - very creepy & atmospheric.
