Wednesday 9 December 2015

WIP: Lobster-Claw shoes

I just started building some new models for my Slaanesh warband. There aren't many female GW models to choose from, and I never really liked the Daemonettes. But I got a box of them in my Spikey Bots Mystery Box, that I wrote about a week ago. 
I played around with the bits, and came up with a creepy looking female model, that will fit perfectly in with the rest of the warband.

The inspiration i used for giving the Daemonette claws as feet, was some photos of Lobster-Claw looking shoes I stumbled over on Google. Few things look as Slaaneshi as these shoes. 

I also made a couple of mutants to go with the warband. I used Space Marine backpack bits for their heads and mouths. They are supposed to look like some kind of sonic weapon, a smaller version of the ones used by Noise Marines.


  1. Insanely cool daemonette conversion! The clawed feet and antlers give her a very unique silhouette. The mutants perhaps looks a tad on the nurgly side at the moment put a paintjob might well change that. In either case they're really charming conversions!

    Just discovered your blog - there's some truly impressive miniatures here! Good show sir!

    1. Thanks a lot! I am quite happy with how the daemonette turned out, so I look forwards to painting her.
      The mutants do look quite nurgly, but the paintjob will hopefully change that. Maybe a pale skin tone with some Slaanesh tattoos or symbols will help? Or maybe they are destined to be a part of my Nurgle warband instead?

  2. I second J.E. great daemonette convertion! It doesn't feel like a daemonette anymore and it got a nicer silhoutte than the original model.

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty happy with the way she turned out. I actually started painting this model yesterday. I'll post some pictures of the progress soon.
