Sunday, 10 April 2016

WIP: Genestealer Hybrid

Today I have a quick update on my Genestealer Cult. Last night I finished sculpting and started painting a new Genestealer hybrid. This is a hybrid that has evolved into something that looks like a  Purestrain Genestealer, but still has a long way too go. I'll write more about how I converted an paintied this guy when I post the finished miniature. Untill then you can have a look at these photos I took with my phone wile working on the model. 


  1. Awesome work, Wilhelm! Reminds me a little if the Xenomorphy-human hybrid in Alien Resurrection.

    1. Yes! I was actually really inspired by that one when I sculpted the top half of the face, and painted it in a very pale skin-tone.

  2. That is really cool. I can wait to see what else you cook up for this army. It is going to look stunning when you gave a small force assembled

    1. Cheers! I'm looking forward to have a small gang as well. I've decided to do one squad of cultists and the Genestealer Beast finished in time for the Fang next month. So I'll hopefully have a small group soon.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice job! Creating the different stages of the hybrid that aren't actually available to buy is a genius idea.

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed converting this one, so I'm planing to create more stages between human and Genestealer.

  5. Way cool. It's awesome to see you take a classic model and add new life with amazing green stuff work. The posing is so good too, great work on him

  6. This one model has blown my mind !!! If u dont mind me asking how do u do the pale flesh ??


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