Friday, 17 August 2018

LEGEN: The Unnamed Knight and her Retinue

Time for another Legen-post. This time I'll show you my Knight and her Retinue. I've been playing some Dark Souls III recently and really wanted to create an anonymous dark looking knight. 

The Unnamed Knight

The Unnamed knight was based on a Forge World Death Korps of Krieg rider. This miniature is one of the best mounted characters GW/FW have ever produced. Both the horse and rider are very nicely proportioned, and really detailed. I removed all the 40k details, and swapped some of them for fantasy bits. The horse got a Skeleton Knight armour and a sculpted helmet. The Knights helmed came from Perry Miniatures. Perry Miniatures are a lot smaller than the regular GW miniature. But GW miniatures often have small heads, so it actually worked really well. The swords in the ground came from skeleton warriors. The blades are originally really thick, so I trimmed them down with a scalpel, and added rust texture with Typhus Corrosion. 

The Mage

The Mage was a really simple conversion. I only had to sculpt over the eye on top of his staff. The base miniature was a 40k Imperial Guard advisor, an Astropath I think. I love how tiny this guy is!

The Pikeman

The Pikeman was a quite simple conversion. I used a Bretonnia Men-at-Arms body, arms from Perry Miniatures: War of the Roses and a head from an Electro-Priest from the Mechanicus range. The head and body is a lot smaller than a regular GW human, so the small Perry Miniatures armes fit perfectly. 

The Archer

The Archer is a straight from the box Perry Miniatures: War of the Roses Infantry miniature. Her body is a lot narrower than the Men-at-Arms bodies. This makes her look like a woman when she stands beside the pikeman. 

The Swords of the Fallen

The Swords of the Fallen is a spellmarker I made for my Mage. He can make swords of fallen heroes fall from the skies and smite his enemies. In the end of the game, this spell took out the Giant leader, Nerod. 

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

LEGEN: The Giants

Hello Hello!

Time for another post. It's actually way overdue with another post, as the last one was over two months ago. I'll try to post updates a bit more frequently during the Autumn. But if you still miss some WilhelMiniatures in your life, you should check out my Instagram, as I update it with finished projects and WIPs quite often.

Legen is a project by Ana Polanscak on the Gardens of Hecate blog. It's an AoS28 setting where a horde of giants is attacking a village. A group of Knights from all around the world have come to defend the village and take down the giants.

In this first Legen post, I'll show you the first two giants I made for the event, Rolfish and Droggen.

 Making the Giants

I wanted to make some unique giants for this project. So instead of using the classic GW giant as a base, I went looking for other base-miniatures.

The first giant, Rolfish, was based on a Skaven Verminlord. The head and feet are from a giant. 

The second giant, Droggen, is based on a Bullgor. Personally I think the Bullgors are one of the worst miniatures GW have ever produced. But since I had one lying around, I thought I might as well use it for something. I had to put a lot of work into this guy. I had to make the torso and legs a lot longer. I also covered most of the miniature with greenstuff, as I had some huge gaps and details to fill. 
In the end I think it turned out ok!

When I was done sculpting, the miniatures back looked really weird, so i decided to cover it up with something. I ended up using real fabric to make his vest. I made it with an old T-shirt and watered down wood glue/white glue. The stitches were done with wire.